Earthen Splendor – Fine Art Prints

Earthen Splendor combines a series of digitally painted paintings dedicated to nature. They draw their inspiration from the enchanting embrace of Mother Nature, celebrating her boundless magic and bountiful treasures. Each artwork serves as a profound meditation, a deep dive into the endless realms of her beauty and mystery. Through strokes of color and richness of layers, these paintings seek to capture the essence of nature’s grandeur, inviting viewers to embark on a visual journey that unveils the secrets and wonders of the natural world, reminding us of the profound connection we share with this awe-inspiring force. It is an attempt to take a close-up look into this powerful and fulfilling world, striving to unveil depths beyond initial appearances.

Ocean Stones

Limited Edition Fine Art Prints

Ocean Stones strives to capture the enigmatic essence of stones, their timeless journey shaped by eons of earthly existence. It is a triptych, which can be viewed both together and separately is expressed in two tonal variations, and unveil a profound contemplation: as rocks emerge from the depths of the earth, their ancient structures and experiences forged through millions of years, they bear an immeasurable trove of secrets. Yet, within the gentle caress of water, their transformation resounds most profoundly. In this aqueous embrace, do the stones relinquish or gain? What does it signify to them? Just as oceans and seas become havens where humans sense the harmonious fusion of the physical and emotional realms, where emotions and desires are cleansed and purified, the stones may too undergo an analogous metamorphosis.

Perhaps, as they immerse themselves in the currents, the stones shed their burdens, liberating the excess, and emerge strengthened. Is this the essence they perceive, akin to the catharsis we experience as we surrender to the waters? These contemplations unfold in artworks, inviting us to ponder the intertwined destinies of stones and water. Within the depths of the layered brushstrokes, a narrative emerges—an intricate dialogue between solidity and fluidity, resilience and surrender. As we immerse ourselves in this exploration, we can see that the stones, in their aquatic communion, may mirror our own transformative journeys. They embody ancient wisdom, revealing that we can find strength and renewal by releasing what no longer serves us.

Digital Painting

Giclee print on museum-quality cotton rag paper with watercolor texture

Limited edition of 50

42,0 x 59,4 cm


Limited Edition Fine Art Prints

Each grain of sand holds within it the immeasurable weight of countless millennia, a testament to the enduring wisdom of time itself. It is an eternity encapsulated in minuscule particles, whispering stories of ancient shores and forgotten civilizations. Yet, amidst this grand tapestry of existence, what could be more transient and fleeting than the traces we leave behind in the shifting sands? Footprints, once etched upon the beach, are swiftly erased by the gentle kiss of the waves. Fragile imprints of our passage, carried away by the tides, symbolize the ephemeral nature of our lives. In this juxtaposition of profound wisdom and ethereal fragility, we find a poignant reminder to embrace the present, to make our mark on the world knowing that even the sands of time cannot hold our stories forever.

Digital Painting

Giclee print on museum-quality cotton rag paper with watercolor texture

Limited edition of 25

42,0 x 59,4 cm


Limited Edition Fine Art Prints

The earth, our home and nurturer, is a vast and complex tapestry woven with myriad elements, each playing its part in the grand symphony of life. All these elements are constantly interacting and making dynamic interplay between solidity and fluidity, permanence and change.

The interaction between them creates a powerful metaphor for the cycles of life. In a desert, the presence of a spring can transform a barren landscape into an oasis, teeming with life. Similarly, in human experience, moments of renewal and inspiration can arise unexpectedly, bringing vitality to our otherwise routine existence. This interplay between the solid and the fluid, the constant and the transient, reflects the essence of the earth itself—a dynamic, ever-changing entity that sustains and supports life.

Digital Painting

Giclee print on museum-quality cotton rag paper with watercolor texture

Limited edition of 50

39 x 49 cm on A2 paper (42,0 x 59,4 cm)

Below the surface

Limited Edition Fine Art Prints

In nature, this might mean noticing the delicate ecosystems that sustain life, the silent interdependence that binds all living things. It is in the quiet moments of observation that we begin to appreciate the profound wisdom that nature embodies—the cyclical rhythms of growth, decay, and renewal that mirror our own life journey.

In meditation, looking below the surface involves recognizing the ephemeral nature of our thoughts and emotions. It is about understanding that our true essence is not defined by the fleeting content of our minds but by the expansive, boundless awareness that underlies it. This awareness is like the still waters of a deep lake, untouched by the winds that stir its surface.

Both nature and meditation teach us the value of presence. They remind us that true insight and peace are found not in the constant striving and doing, but in the simple act of being—of immersing ourselves fully in the present moment. This presence allows us to engage with the world more deeply, to see beyond appearances, and to connect with the underlying unity that pervades all existence.

Digital Painting

Giclee print on museum-quality cotton rag paper with watercolor texture

Limited edition of 50

42,0 x 59,4 cm

Symphony of stones

Open-edition Fine Art Prints

I hold a deep affinity for stones and find joy in collecting exceptional specimens. These works pay tribute to some of my cherished favorites, contemplating both their exquisite beauty and the profound wealth of knowledge they bear.

Digital Painting

Giclee print on museum-quality fine art rag paper

29,7 x 42,0 cm

Contemplating the landscape

Open-edition Fine Art Prints

Viewing the scenery soothes the mind, body, and soul. The vastness of nature has the power to expand our souls. Maybe that’s what I’m looking for in extended views of the landscape.

Digital Painting

Giclee print on museum-quality fine art textured paper

29,7 x 42,0 cm and 21,0 x 29,7 cm

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